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Старый 21.04.2010, 20:15   #3

 Аватар для Revi
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This small tutorial will show you how to make your own CAS screens (or default replacement texture) for the sims 3 using s3pe.

Firstly you need to open an in game file found here:
C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Game Data/Shared/Packages/Full Build 2
you should have the sort box checked at the bottom, under preview have Value selected, Under Display have Names, and Tags checked.
Now you can click Name at the top, then Tag at the top, this will sort them in alphabetical order, and by IMG tag.
There is a big long list of everything there you can find all kinds of textures to change, but we are working on our CAS screen so find all of the IMG files for "CAS"
Multiple select all the IMG files that start with "CAS" by holding down ctrl + left clicking on them.
once you have them all selected, right click on them and select export to file. Then do File/Close. It's very important that you do not change the file names of the IMGs when you export to file or edit in your photo editor!
You should see all that text for all your IMGs go away and now you can right click the white part of the inside of the blank screen and do import from file and find where you exported your IMGs for CAS screens. Leave s3pe open
Now go to where you exported them (I like to keep a folder on my desktop for exported files) and open them in gimp, photoshop, or any image editor that supports .dds Here you can mess around with the textures. In gimp before you save, select Compression BC3/DXT5 and check the box for Generate mipmaps and then click ok. I'm not sure how to save as .dds in photoshop, because I don't use it.
Now back in s3pe, right click on any area where you see the text and do import from file. You should see it cross out the old ones and replace the IMGs with your newly edited ones. Then do file/save as and give it a file name fitting the CAS screen you want to do. This will save it as a .package you can install into The Sims 3!

Tips and Tricks:

About Walls:

The Walls in the CAS screen rooms are very odd, they look best with either a solid color, vertical stripes, or a gradient (blending) colors. The inside color of the walls also applies to the ceiling as well. And in the view in the mirror the bottom half of the wall is odd if you use a wallpaper, stripes or another texture other than bucket fill or gradient.

About the View:

The view in the CAS screen room window will always be MUCH brighter than what you have in your image editor! This is because there is sunlight coming in.
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