Foreign friends rule I have friends from Netherlands, USA, Bulgaria, Georgia, Turkey, Ireland, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia etc. God bless MySpace!
And no, i've never been in Spain or something like it. And to be honest, don't really want to go there ))) I prefere East Istanbul... Hehe )) I'll exactly go there next summer. Because if i don't i'll die
Сообщение от Оригами
When the end of the world crisis?
I hope it will be over soon. Everybody's tired of it ((
hello.. i am not fine.. i want freedom! i want to love.. i want my scoolmates-girls not to hate me.. Or may be they don't hate me? May be this feeling has another name?!...
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i don't know.. they don't like my character... why? when lessons were starting i changed.. i became so.. m.. lonely.. closely.. rightly... sensual.. thoughtsul and attentive..
i started say right things.. i started say truth to the eyes.. but they like sweet lie...
i don't like my class.. but i have two best friend... from the clas.. but they left us.. they went to the another city. but at the NY the will be...
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