I won't change my nick. I wil change my ava, when i want to change something.
Oh, I gave billions of plans! As an example, I want to go to France. But I will live in Ukraine, maybe in Kyiv. Also I want to work with computers. This is my passion! And i'm going to travel lot, so I've been learning english for 7 years and french for 2 years. But I want to learn German too, so I think that after school I will learn it. And what about you?
Wow))) I impressed, honestly ) Very interesting. But I haven't any interesting to answer about myself) I'm a boring women with a boring life) "kinder, keuche, kirche" (c)
I'd like to study German and Spain; I want to be a translator. But I prefered to became a mother at first, and education is my second purpose. It's not time for it yet.
O'k, it's a bit later, good night) see you next time, I hope
DrAU_RA, oh, my brother's girlfriend also want to be a translator. I can select this profession too? but I don't know yet.
Oh, sorry, good afternoon! Is anybody there?